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Terms and Conditions

  • 50% of the fee is required as a deposit when placing your booking. 

  • The event is confirmed upon completion of a booking form, electronically or by hand, or by a confirmation email.


  • Clients are urged to read Heath and Safety conditions prior to booking.

  • Deposits will be retained for bookings where cancellations are made with less than 14 days notice. The full fee is payable if a cancellation is made with less than 48 hours notice.


  • Should a client wish to change the date of the booking they may do so at no cost if over 14 days notice is given. Otherwise cancellation terms will apply to alterations made with less than 14 days notice.


  • If a painter is sick or unable to attend a replacement may be found at no extra cost to the client. Should no replacement be found and the booking is cancelled due to illness the full deposit will be returned to the client.


  • Payment can be made electronically by BACS, in cash or by cheque.

  • A maximum break of one hour may be taken for 6 hour bookings.

  • Face painters will not be expected to work over time without pay to complete extra numbers. It is possible to extend the booking times with advance notification but an increase in time is at extra cost.


  • Please note that the client may need to provide two chairs, a table and access to a nearby water supply.

  • Painters will arrive at least 15 minutes early to set up before beginning and paint on average 10 faces in an hour (Between 8-12, which is industry standard).


  • The painting will cease at an outdoor event if it begins to rain. The painter may continue painting should the client choose to provide an alternative, indoor/sheltered venue.


  • Face painters are not there to supervise children. They will be working intently and need utmost attention for the job at hand. Children’s behaviour and safety is the responsibility of the client or the parents.

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